《谚语 歇后语(最新图文普及版)》是百姓语言中璀璨夺目的明珠,它们经过千百年的流传、使用和锤炼,一直深受人们的喜爱,具有强大的生命力。谚语在古代也称为“俗语”,《礼记·大Q学》释文:“谚,俗语也”。谚语、歇后语都是定型语汇,谚语在表义功能上相当于词。它们通俗浅易,流传广泛,简练深刻。歇后语通常由两部分组成:前半截是一种比喻,后半截是这个比喻的揭晓。无论口头还是书面使用,都可以“歇”去后半截,以前半截示意。歇后语也有叫做“俏皮话”的,它与谚语比较,更突出的特点,是它的含蓄、幽默而饶有风趣。由于歇后语的比喻部分取材丰富、具体、形象、奇妙,因而许多歇后语读起来乐趣无穷,久而不忘。在讲话或写作中,恰到好处地引用歇后语和谚语,可以大大增强语言的生动性、形象性、通俗性,增强感染力。总之,谚语和歇后语的产生和发展,都经历了漫长的历史,它们大多是劳动人民创造的,以简短的语言形式反映人民群众的生活经验和愿望,内容丰富,生动活泼,堪称语言中的精华,素有“智慧花朵”、“词库中的钻石”之誉,它们都有着不断继承、吸收和创新的过程。让更多的青少年朋友,学习它们,了解它们,对丰富我们的语言宝库,有着实际而深远的意义。( Proverbs and Two-part Allegorical Sayings (Latest Popular Image-text Version) is the dazzling and bright pearl in the language of common people, spread, used and polished for thousands of years, popular with people and with strong vitality. Proverb is also known as “common saying” and is interpreted in The Book of Rites-Great Learning that: “proverb refers to common saying.” Proverb and two-part allegorical saying are stereotype vocabulary and the proverb is equal to the word in its meaning function. They are popular, simple and easy, widely spread and also concise and profound. Two-part allegorical saying generally consists of two parts: the first part is a metaphor and the second one is the announcement of this metaphor. Regardless of use in verbal or written form, the second part can be “left out” and the first part reserved to express its meaning. The two-part allegorical saying is also called “wisecrack”, and compared with the proverb, it is rather featured by its implication, humor and wit. Thanks to material abundant, concrete, visual and wonderful metaphor in the two-part allegorical saying, many of them is full of joy and impressive. In speaking or writing, the proper use of two-part allegorical saying and proverb will greatly enhance the vitality, figurativeness, popularity and infection of the language. In a word, the appearance and development of the two-part allegorical saying and proverb went through a long history and most of them were created by laboring people to use simple language to reflect the life experience and expectation of the people, and they are abundant in contents, lively and vivid, can be called the essence of the language and have been honored as “the flower of wisdom” and “the diamond in lexicon”, and they also gent through the process of constantly inheritance, absorption and innovation. It has a practical and profound meaning in enriching out language treasury to enable more young friends to learn about and know them. )
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