You’ll discover helpful techniques that are designed to help everyone, from the beginning spinner to the most advanced. Learn how to dye your own fibers, plying basics, fiber preparation and combining colored fibers to make novelty yarns. Plus great patterns to show off your handspun yarns.
Spin-Off • Vol. XLIV No. 2 Summer 2020
Connecting Kids and Cotton
A Gift After Loss
Squarely Rests
Tale of a Shirt A Spinner Mends
A Spinner’s Path: Maker’s Marks and Antique Accelerator Wheels
Modern Yarn, Antique Wheel
Fiber Love Revisited: Spinning & Weaving Karakul
Selma Margau Sweater
Investigating Red Sheep
Woolly Basket
Pueblo Cotton in the American Southwest: Ancient Gauze Weave and Weft-Wrap Openwork
Spinning and Weaving with Hemp
Wet Spinning vs Dry Spinning
Devin’s Sizing Setup
Hempen Lunch Bag
Merino Mania: A Nineteenth-Century Fiber Craze
Godey’s-Inspired Sontag
Retail Shop Directory
How I Got My Spinning Groove Back • The Spin Off Mitt-Along was the opportunity I needed to reconnect my hands with making yarn.