Following a neighborhood on a summer day, readers will learn how to apply mindfulness to simple, everyday moments, and how days are filled with endless possibilities to take a pause.
In our increasingly hectic world, even children are often inundated with responsibilities and activities, and end up feeling overwhelmed and stressed. Mindfulness helps focus our attention on the present—without judgment, and without worrying about the past or future. It can help us to enjoy the moments we might normally miss, as well as cope when emotions are hard to handle. We just need to take a pause!
Everyone has the capacity to be mindful, including (especially!) children. A World of Pausabilities is a gentle reminder to stop, take a break, and notice details even as we go about our busy days. Sometimes the simplest moments are the most important ones—if we don't let them pass us by!
Includes a Note to Parents and Caregivers that further discusses mindfulness and ways to introduce pauses into your child's life.