The biggest whitewater kayaking magazine in the world. If a photo speaks a thousand words, then Kayak Session is an encyclopedia. Dubbed the ‘National Geographic’ of whitewater kayaking, we collaborate with some of the best photographers and most acclaimed writers in the outdoor industry. Our photo concept is to show stunning images of kayakers in their element. This photos-first idea is coupled with a creative layout and fresh content, sure to inspire our readers with every issue. Kayak Session is the essential reading for whitewater kayakers worldwide.
WORLD WHITE WATER NEWS • This ongoing column is a place to report on the current news, latest descents, expeditions, people and trends in the whitewater world. The world is indeed a big place but the river connects us all. This column attempts to keep us in touch throughout the world paddling community.
FINDING EL DORADO Exploring the Ivindo River • Once Adrian Mattern heard about the Ivindo River, it haunted his dreams. A river many kilometers wide, with a maze-like series of channels and yet-to-be-run rapids nestled in a nearly impenetrable equatorial rainforest known as Africa’s Last Living Eden. Though others had been before, this trip was a roll of the dice, a gamble to see if there was still gold to be had in Gabon.
THE NORTH WAY Discovering Norway’s Lesser Frequented Gems • With countless iconic steep slides, tiered drops and the endless Nordic sun, Norway is a longestablished, time-tested proving ground for kayakers looking to go big and step up their game. While the roadside adrenaline hits are all that—and more—Kristof Stursa reminds us that isn’t all there is to Norwegian whitewater. For those looking for something a little different than the smash and grab, and willing to earn their turns, the north of Norway offers epic and accessible overnight adventures like nowhere else.
GALWAY FEST Behind the scenes at ‘one of the best kayaking events in the world’ • You have roughly 30 seconds to secure a ticket to Galway Fest, so act fast. Galway Fest might have humble roots, but the vision and the goal has always been clear: to create a community-first good time. Yes, there’s kayaking—a time trial, a boater cross, and a freestyle throw down—but Galway Fest is much more than a competition. It’s a celebration. A gathering of community. A love letter to the sport and people behind paddling. Sure it might be cold or even snowing. There might be no water. But rest assured that you’ll still have a hell of a lot of fun.
Interview SAGE DONNELLY • World Freestyle Champion, photographer, World Cup slalom paddler, Green Race winner, and hard-core creeker, there is little Sage Donnelly hasn’t done. Her paddling accomplishments are impressive on their own. Add in being a type one diabetic with celiac and hypo thyroid disease, and well, there’s not much to say outside of RESPECT. At 23 years old, Sage brings more than 20 years of experience to her boating, but for her, the most important skill remains finding joy on the water.
“DON’T MISS THE SHOT.” • In this column, Dane reflects on the value of filming your time on the water and shares advice on how to avoid missing the money shot.
CHILDREN OF THE RIVER: ECUADOR’S NEXT GENERATION OF RIVER DEFENDERS • Up and coming paddlers help keep our sport growing and evolving. In this column, World Class Academy Principal Capo Rettig interviews new, young talent to explore themes of the whitewater scene.
LEARNING TO BACK DECK ROLL: YOUR FLATWATER TRAINING PLAN. • Header: In this column, Bartosz shares a ready-to-go workout you can use to dial in your back deck roll and paddling fitness.
THE SEVENTH DAY OF DENGUE • A week of dengue fever-induced dreams and hallucinations leave Ben grappling with the painful reality of Ecuadorian...